New Character Hashashin Makes His Way to Mobile MMORPG ‘Black Desert Mobile’ Today - Videogames Blogs

New Character Hashashin Makes His Way to Mobile MMORPG ‘Black Desert Mobile’ Today

The mobile version of the hugely popular MMORPG Black Desert Online from Pearl Abyss has been a work in progress for the past few years, but following plenty of betas and limited launches Black Desert Mobile (Free) finally officially launched worldwide this past December. The mobile version has proven to be majorly popular as well, and Pearl Abyss has been adding new content and features to the game an a near-monthly basis since its December launch. This includes things like new special events, new items and gear, new regions, and so much more. Back in March they also added a new class called the Dark Knight, and now here we are about 5 months later and they’re back with yet another new class for Black Desert Mobile. He’s called Hashashin, and Pearl Abyss describes him as “the master of blistering winds and sand manipulation." See a very cool cinematic trailer for Hashashin below, followed by a gameplay trailer. Spoiler alert: This dude’s a bad ass. Hashashin is available in Black Desert Mobile right now and you can check the game out for yourself for free on both iOS and Android.
Source: Touch Arcade

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