New Zealand Packs of 'Magic' Cards Will Feature Codes for 'MTG Arena' - Videogames Blogs

New Zealand Packs of 'Magic' Cards Will Feature Codes for 'MTG Arena'

Ever since Wizards announced their plans with Magic the Gathering Arena, we've been wondering how they're going to tie together their real-world game with this new digital initiative. Well, we got our answer as Wizards detailed how code reception in the game is going to work. Right now the whole thing is being "soft launched" in New Zealand, and it's super possible that things will change before this all is released worldwide... But I like the direction they're taking so far.

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Backing up a bit, MTG Arena is a new digital version of Magic that's currently available as a closed beta test. The easiest way to describe the game is that it's like Wizards took Magic and mashed it together with Hearthstone [Free], combining the best elements of each. Unlike the Duels series, MTG Arena features full 60 card decks, real Magic rules, and everything else you'd expect out of playing Magic the Gathering. The massive improvements they've made over Magic Online and the Duels games is totally refreshing the UI to make it super easy to watch as a spectator, and of course, they made it was more accessible via being totally free to play. In a nutshell, codes for MTG Arena will be distributed inside of packs of the MTG card set Dominaria (in New Zealand, again). The codes have a 10% chance to give you a pack of digital cards, and a 90% chance to reward 100 gold and one of five cards: Benalish Honor Guard, Syncopate, Drudge Sentinels, ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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