Noodlecake Releases 'King Chomp!', a Mini-Game Using Their New Anti-Cheater Cloud Gaming Technology - Videogames Blogs

Noodlecake Releases 'King Chomp!', a Mini-Game Using Their New Anti-Cheater Cloud Gaming Technology

Our favorite Saskatoonians at Noodlecake have been up to something ultra rad in the frigid arctic wastelands of Saskatchewan. If you've spent any time online gaming, you've no doubt inevitably come across cheaters. It's just sort of a fact of life, and there's rarely a ton done in mobile to prevent it. There isn't really a mobile equivalent of PunkBuster or other popular anti-cheat PC software, so developers have been forced to roll their own tech which is often simply too huge of an undertaking for a small indie developer. Well, that's where the latest project from Noodlecake Labs comes in.
It's called "NC Game" (which presuambly stands for "Noodle Cake Game," or "Noodlecake Cloud Game," or something equally clever) and it's a multiplayer cloud framework they've been developing for the last year. In essence, it allows games to run entirely in the cloud using a technology known as "server authoritative multiplayer." What this means is that instead of the way things typically work, which is you connecting to another player and your game telling the other game what you're doing (which can be hacked to tell the other game client you're doing things you shouldn't be able to do) the game runs on the cloud and both game clients use it as an intermediary allowing the server to verify everything that's happening in the game is legit.
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