Oddrok’s Upcoming Racer ‘Best Rally’ Gets a Trailer Ahead of its July 5th Release - Videogames Blogs

Oddrok’s Upcoming Racer ‘Best Rally’ Gets a Trailer Ahead of its July 5th Release

Just last week Power Hover ($3.99) developer Oddrok announced their new mobile game, a top-down rally racer called simply Best Rally. Much like the World’s Best Cup of Coffee, just having “best" in your name doesn’t automatically make that the truth, but based on the animated gifs and other screens Oddrok had shown off up to that point I was feeling pretty confident that the name Best Rally might actually end up being accurate. Now I’m even more convinced of that as today Oddrok has posted the first official trailer for Best Rally, showing much more of it in action than those gifs or screens could. Check it out.

As you can see, Best Rally isn’t aiming to be a simulation-style racer, as many of the tracks shown feature some pretty crazy hazards and even some light puzzle elements. There will be more than 30 handcrafted levels at launch, and it sounds like more might already be in the works. As I’ve already said plenty of times, I love everything Oddrok has put out, and I love these top-down racers, so I’m understandably excited for Best Rally to arrive. If you’re on an iOS 11 device, you can pre-order the game right now by clicking this link, otherwise you can kill time by joining the discussion in our forums until Best Rally launches in just over a week on July 5th.
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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