'Papers, Please' Finding a Renewed Relevancy in Light of the US Political Climate - Videogames Blogs

'Papers, Please' Finding a Renewed Relevancy in Light of the US Political Climate

There's no denying it's a crazy time in US politics. Heck, it's a crazy time in global politics for that matter. Just under two weeks ago, the 45th US President signed an Executive Order severely limiting entry to the US from non-citizens from 7 Middle Eastern countries. Known broadly as the "travel ban" the order also caught up travelers who were not part of those 7 listed countries, and in short it created mass havoc at airports across the nation, not to mention protests in major cities across the US. Well, life imitates art and sometimes art imitates life, and in much the same way the classic George Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty-Four rocketed up the best-sellers lists following the new US President coming into power, the 2013 dystopian game Papers, Please [$7.99 (HD)] has also found itself becoming more relevant in today's political climate. Papers, Please is a game that has you playing a border patrol agent in a fictional authoritarian country called Arstotzka, and your job involves checking the documents of those who wish to enter the country. Sounds boring, but it's anything but. With the government constantly changing regulations you have to pay special attention to detail when admitting people across the border. You don't want to accidentally admit a terrorist now, do you" But below the surface there is a tremendous amount of stuff going on in Papers, Please. Do you want to play nice with the corrupt police and throw them a few "terrorists" i...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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