PAX Unplugged 2018: The Competitive Card Game Market is about to Get More Competitive - Videogames Blogs

PAX Unplugged 2018: The Competitive Card Game Market is about to Get More Competitive

Card games that centralize a head to head online experience have carved out a niche in the iOS marketplace and have spawned a number of copy cat apps, but we got a chance to see some real contenders at Pax Unplugged this year that not only have promise, but a pedigree that really shows a development of understanding in what issues plague many players currently. Monetary Cost, RNG dead-zones, and app quality all seem to be on the tip of the tongues of players looking for a better option to support and migrate to. There are some beautiful ideas floating out just over the horizon that we got to snag a few peaks at over the weekend. We’ve picked two games that specifically are targetting the online match making competitive scene with their own spin that we think have tremendous promise. Epic
It’s been over 4 years since my review of Star Realms. We got a chance to sit and chat with Robert Dougherty from White Wizard about where they have been and where they are going. The company that spun off of Ascension’s success seems to be doing a great job of riding the board game wave. With a strategy that seems to center on keeping the player engaged at all times, there are very few pockets of dead space in the games you might play from White Wizard. Whether you are building a deck in Star Realms, slaughtering a swath of foes in Epic, or carve out your own scenario in Hero Realms, there is always something to do to pull you into the action. We were able to get a Q1 201...
Source: Touch Arcade

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