Call of Duty: World War II Concept Art Reportedly Leaked - Videogames Blogs

Call of Duty: World War II Concept Art Reportedly Leaked

YouTube user TheFamilyVideoGamers has apparently leaked images of concept art/marketing materials from the upcoming Call of Duty title and if the report is anything to go by, then the next game will simply be called Call of Duty: World War II (if that’s not a placeholder/code name, that is). Have a look at the images in the gallery below, which have also surfaced on Reddit.
While we can’t be sure if these are real or not, in attempting to verify the leak, Reddit mods have noted that they believe the poster has been behind some accurate leaks in the past and had his account removed from the site by Activision DMCA. Another user claimed that he’s familiar with someone who works at the company which produces marketing materials and trailers for Activision, and their source has confirmed that the next game is set in World War II. However, he can’t confirm the authenticity of the images. Many are still skeptical about the leak and understandably so but worth noting that Activision recently said that this year’s Call of Duty title will take the series back to its roots with “traditional combat.”





