'Pokemon Duel' Finally Hits the US App Store - Videogames Blogs

'Pokemon Duel' Finally Hits the US App Store

Pokemon Duel [Free] has been available in Japan for what feels like forever now (particularly in App Store time) and was just released in the US App Store and many other regions this morning. The game will likely leave quite a few Pokemon-fanatics scratching their heads, as once again this is an official Pokemon game packed to the brim with everyone's favorite Pokemon but once again is pretty far from what you'd typically think of as a "real" Pokemon game if you've had your fingers crossed for something that feels a bit more like the "main" series of games hitting mobile. Pokemon Duel is a strategic board game where players take turns moving their Pokemon around to your opponent's goal. You'll use a "deck" of six Pokemon to attempt to accomplish this.
We've got a thread in our forums, but considering the game quite literally just hit the App Store, it might be a bit before people start leaving their first impressions on the game. We'll have more coverage on Pokemon Duel as we get deeper into the game ourselves, as this just randomly hitting the US App Store early on a Tuesday morning was the last thing we were expecting.
Thanks, awp69!

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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