'Pokemon GO' Plus on Sale Today, Good Luck Finding It - Videogames Blogs

'Pokemon GO' Plus on Sale Today, Good Luck Finding It

The long-awaited Pokemon GO [Free] accessory that helps you catch Pokemon while out and about is finally available: you can now buy the Pokemon GO Plus. Do note that finding it might be a bit tough ? Amazon and GameStop are the primary retailers, but are both sold out online. I'd call around town to various GameStops if you need it today. Otherwise, you might have to wait until the hype dies down a bit to nab one for yourself.
The Pokemon GO Plus will help you catch more Pokemon while out and about ? you link it up via Bluetooth LE to your phone, and when you're near a Pokemon, it and your phone will vibrate, allowing you to just tap the Pokemon GO Plus to try and catch the Pokemon. Hopefully Nintendo can help keep this in stock, as it could quite possibly come in useful if you're out and about but aren't necessarily playing the game. Plus, with the Apple Watch support, there's some handy ways to play Pokemon GO without necessarily having the app in front of your face. Assuming you're able to find the Pokemon GO Plus, of course.
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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