Popular Card Game ‘Dixit’ is Heading to Mobile, Sign-Ups Open for Closed Beta Next Month - Videogames Blogs

Popular Card Game ‘Dixit’ is Heading to Mobile, Sign-Ups Open for Closed Beta Next Month

Released way back in 2008, Dixit is a card-based party game created by Jean-Louis Roubira that uses a deck of cards that feature storybook-like illustrations. All players are dealt 6 cards face down, and each player takes a turn at being the “storyteller" for each round. The storyteller looks at their cards and chooses one, then says a sentence or phrase that can be related to that card’s illustration without completely giving away what the illustration actually is. The other players then choose a card from their hand which they think best reflects the phrase the storyteller comes up with, all choices including the storyteller’s are shuffled up and then placed face up. All players besides the storyteller then use anonymous numbered tokens to guess which face up card they think was the storyteller’s. The choices are then revealed, and points are awarded based on the selections. It’s actually a very simple game that I’m making sound more complicated than it is, so check out this excellent video from Youtuber Teach The Table that explains Dixit in less than 3 minutes.
Despite being more than a decade old, I hadn’t ever heard about Dixit before, but it is apparently a very popular card game in the card and board gaming community and to date has sold more than 6 million copies. Now developer Tempete Studio is cramming all of that party game goodness down into a digital version for mobile devices that they’re calling Dix...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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