'Portal' Is Coming to the App Store via 'Bridge Constructor' in the Upcoming 'Bridge Constructor Portal' - Videogames Blogs

'Portal' Is Coming to the App Store via 'Bridge Constructor' in the Upcoming 'Bridge Constructor Portal'

I feel like few things surprise me anymore in the world of mobile gaming, as in the last near-decade it seems like everything that can happen on the App Store has happened, at least in some respect. When I got the email announcing Bridge Constructor Portal, I did one of these. I think you could make a strong argument that Portal is the perfect video game, and the world-building that was done in Portal 2 has left me absolutely starving for anything new involving Aperture Science. While this certainly isn't a Portal 3, which undoubtedly will leave some fan's disappointed, I think the a full-fledged Portal game on iOS really wouldn't work that well. Instead, the guys at Headup Games and Valve have come up with a great solution: Basically injecting a heaping helping of GLaDOS into Bridge Constructor [$1.99 / Free]. Take a look at the trailer:

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Backing up a bit, if you've never played a Portal game before, I implore you to fix that problem. You can pick up the bundle on Steam for $30, although it's often on sale for far less than that. The games are also available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and you shouldn't have much trouble finding them used for around $10 a pop. The entire gimmick of the Portal games revolves around using a portal gun which can shoot out a blue portal and an orange portal. You solve puzzles via clever placement of these portals and jumping (or walking) through one to come out the other.
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Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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