Pre-Orders for ‘Death Come True’ from the Creator of ‘Danganronpa’ Are Now Live on the App Store Ahead of Its Release Next Week
Death Come True from Too Kyo Games featuring Kazutaka Kodaka (the creator Danganronpa) and Izanagi Games is a sci-fi mystery FMV game arriving on mobile and Nintendo Switch next week. It was originally revealed last year and was dated for this month. Today, pre-orders for the game have gone live on the App Store alongside pre-registrations for the Android version on Google Play. Watch a new trailer for Death Come True below:
The pre-orders also confirm the price for the West. While Death Come True is priced at 1960 Yen in Japan, it is available for $15.99 on the App Store as a pre-order. Death Come True supports multiple languages including English, French, German, Japanese, and Chinese. If you’re interested in checking it out, you can pre-order Death Come True on the App Store for iOS here and on Google Play for Android here. Are you looking forward to playing it and did you end up getting Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc on iOS or Android yet"
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Double Cross - Launch Trailer - Xbox One |