'Quell Zen' Review - Peaceful Enough - Videogames Blogs

'Quell Zen' Review - Peaceful Enough

Everyone gets their zen from their own special place. For me, that's usually listening to the latest Kenna album, grinding away in an MMO and leveling up a new character. It's relaxing in a way that it's probably crazy to basically anyone else, but if you shared some of your methods, you'd probably sound crazy too. So when a game bills itself as a zen-like experience, it's usually dubious of the claim given the subjectivity of its nature. With Quell Zen [$3.99] though, it mostly does its job, providing a puzzler veneer.
Swipe in any direction, and a raindrop will zoom across at your chosen trajectory until it collides with something. Sound familiar" That's because it is, and it's something we've been doing since the early days of MS-DOS. But like most clever projects, the developers manage to put a spin on the formula and make it their own. Very early on you'll be introduced to multiple droplets (which can conveniently be propelled by flicking near each object), and it never really lets up from there.
Things start to get a little crazier when you add in doors that can only be entered once before they shut, multiple color-coded gates and objects, and a screen full of hazards. It all reminded me of Chip's Challenge, a classic PC game, and that's a compliment. There's a lot to micromanage nearly at all times, and the amount of concepts to keep track up ramps up very quickly. That's mostly a good thing because the game constantly keeps you interested with new ideas.
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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