Quick Impressions Of Kairosoft's Latest Releases, 'Pocket City Railway' And 'Game Center Club' - Videogames Blogs

Quick Impressions Of Kairosoft's Latest Releases, 'Pocket City Railway' And 'Game Center Club'

Prolific simulation developer Kairosoft, of Game Dev Story [$4.99] fame, has been releasing the Japanese versions of their latest iOS games in App Stores worldwide recently. The English versions of the games typically follow anywhere from two weeks to a few months later, but always as separate apps from the Japanese versions. Thus, it doesn't make a lot of sense for English gamers to jump the gun and pick up the Japanese releases, even if they do look pretty interesting. Worry not, friends! TouchArcade is willing to jump in on such occasions and let you know whether or not you should keep your eye out for the English release. Today, we're looking at two Kairosoft releases that hit the App Store on the same day. As the games don't have English titles yet, I'm just taking a stab at their possible translations, so don't be surprised if these titles end up being called something else.
First up is Pocket City Railway [$6.99] (Hakoniwa City Tetsudou), a railway company simulator. You're in charge of the types of trains that run and the layouts of the stations, as well as advertising and other such business aspects. The game starts with a very small platform in a little countryside station. You can decorate it with benches, schedule boards, payphones, and so on. When customers use these facilities, you'll earn some money and research points that can be rolled into opening up new customers and items. You're soon able to lengthen the platform and add cars to your trains, with diff...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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