'Reed' Review - A Bite-Sized Platformer with Lovely Pixel Graphics - Videogames Blogs

'Reed' Review - A Bite-Sized Platformer with Lovely Pixel Graphics

If you are an avid gamer on mobile and follow the scene, you may know that retro-style pixel art has been the rave the last couple of years. Many great games offer graphics from a bygone era, but redone with a magic digital touch to bring these aesthetics to modern play controls and structures in gaming. Crescent Moon Games' Reed [$1.99] is a game that fits this mold. It is a platformer that will keep you hooked for its art style alone, but one that will also scratch that hardcore itch. Reed is a platformer that relies on double jumps and quick wits to navigate the game's 50 levels. The levels are generally very short and it shouldn't take you more than a couple hours to complete the game if you are a skilled platform player. However, let's get to the game's weird, but captivating, storyline first.
To be honest, Reed doesn't have much of a story to begin with, but what it does have is pretty interesting. In the first level you are being introduced to your feline character that happens upon a world full of AI and computer systems going berzerk. You or your feline character will be saving this world gone tech-mad. A lot of the dialogue is also filled with symbolism or shown through the use of symbols. Basically, you have to collect cubes to help an aging computer keep functioning. So there is that.
The gameplay consists of navigating a tunnel- or cave-like system of levels with a muddish color palette, but a lot of cool pixel art and visual effects to boot. You will be jump...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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