'Robot Unicorn Attack 3' is Coming to Mobile This Spring - Videogames Blogs

'Robot Unicorn Attack 3' is Coming to Mobile This Spring

Adult Swim has officially turned the original gloriously ridiculous Robot Unicorn Attack [$0.99] into a trilogy this morning with the announcement of Robot Unicorn Attack 3. (Although I suppose arguments could be made that it's actually a quadrilogy depending on whether or not you think Robot Unicorn Attack Heavy Metal Edition [$0.99] technically counts as its own standalone RUA game.) Just like Robot Unicorn Attack 2 [$0.99], RUA3 ups the ante a little further, with the main improvement being the game (or at least the version I saw) is shifting the game to being a beautifully animated 2.5D platformer instead of the typical sidescrolling we've seen in the past.
We want to be with you and make believe with you. #RUA3 coming this Spring. (cc @RealStevenator) pic.twitter.com/f4zeKj3p6k
— adult swim games (@adultswimgames) January 25, 2017

No further details are available yet short of a "Spring" release window, which puts the release at somewhere in between March 20th and June 20th. I expect we might see a more official sneak peek at GDC, so strap in for that.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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