'Rogue Wizards' Review - A Turn-Based RPG with all the Loot - Videogames Blogs

'Rogue Wizards' Review - A Turn-Based RPG with all the Loot

Do you like loot in your games" More specifically, do you like grabbing loot from the corpses of your foes and using said loot to create even more corpses and get even better loot" If you answered yes to this question I?d like to introduce you to Rogue Wizards [Free]. Rogue Wizards is a turn-based tactical role-playing game that made the leap from Steam to iOS earlier this year. It features a primary story line focused on fairness and equality among wielders of magic in a fantasy setting. The plot, though decent, is certainly not the reason to play this game. The reason to play is the fun and challenging combat and, of course, all the loot.
Rogue Wizards is a turn-based game but with an action feel thanks to the quick turns and line-of-sight surroundings that appear in front of you and crumble away behind as you move. As you advance through the game?s many dungeons you will come upon groups of foes and must decide how best to dispatch them. There are a great many options both martial and magical. You?ll probably keep both a ranged and melee weapon to hand for when you want to reach out and smite something from afar, or get up close and personal. Both types offer a slew of different options, each with their own tactical benefits.
A spellbook is your other weapon and as a wizard you?ll have access to the game?s six schools of magic?fire, earth, lightning, nature, ice, and cosmic?each of which has three spells. You can learn and rank up spells as you advance in lev...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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