'RPS Saga' Review - Rock, Paper, Snoozer - Videogames Blogs

'RPS Saga' Review - Rock, Paper, Snoozer

Rock, Paper, Scissors is probably as simple as a game can get while still having some sort of strategy to it. Indeed, its core mechanic works so well that we can see it incorporated into countless other games in the form of elemental strengths and weaknesses, weapon triangles, and so on. It's a simple and useful means of balancing weapons, skills, and magic. You need to use what is most effective against your current enemy while ensuring that you're well-guarded against whatever the enemy throws back at you. The strategy comes from making sure you have your bases covered, enough resources to make use of them, and figuring out how each enemy works. That's great, but it's also not really what Rock, Paper, Scissors is about as a game.
The core of the game itself has little to do with how many rocks or scissors you have in stock and whether you have enough to beat all the paper-turtles you're going to run into. No, Rock, Paper, Scissors is a psychological game. It's precisely that quality that gives it its longevity. Sure, there's always the possibility that your opponent might attempt to throw out moves randomly, but even in such cases, a pattern would likely emerge after some time. Three choices in the tool-kit. One wins, one loses, one draws. What do you think your opponent will use" What do you think your opponent thinks you will use" A simple game, a child's game, but a distinctly human game.
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