Sam Barlow’s ‘Telling Lies’ Gets a New Trailer for E3, Coming to Mobile and Desktop “Soon”
For the better part of the last thirty years full motion video, or FMV as it’s known, was something of a joke in the world of video games. CD-Rom technology made its way into gaming in the late ’80s and early ’90s, and brought with it a level of storage that developers could never have imagined. The only problem was that nobody really knew how to best utilize all that storage. The answer was largely horribly-acted, grainy, low-production FMV sequences tacked onto games for novelty. While occasionally you’d get some FMV that added something to a game, more often than not the FMV sequences in games were either “so bad they’re good" or just plain so bad you’d cringe, and even as technology improved over the years the FMV-based game could never shake that terrible first impression it made decades ago. And then in 2015, game industry veteran and new indie developer Sam Barlow did something few before him had been able to do: Made FMV an interesting game mechanic. The title was Her Story ($3.99) and chances are, based on the numerous accolades it received that year, you’ve probably heard of it. We loved it in our review, picked it as our Game of the Week, included it in our Best Games of 2015, and in general it’s one of those games that’s an effortless recommendation for anyone looking for something unique to play on their mobile device.
As far back as January of 2016 Barlow began teasing a spiritual se...
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Jurassic World Evolution - Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack Out Now | PS4 |