Sega CD Classic 'Night Trap' Collectors Edition Goes on Sale for Consoles and PC Tomorrow, Mobile Is Still a Possibility - Videogames Blogs

Sega CD Classic 'Night Trap' Collectors Edition Goes on Sale for Consoles and PC Tomorrow, Mobile Is Still a Possibility

If you weren't around for the unbelievable hype surrounding the launch of the Sega CD, it's really difficult to explain the excitement for Night Trap... But I'll try. At the time, console games were cartridge based, with Sega Genesis cartridges holding a whopping 4MB of data (with two games, Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean weighing in at an unbelievable 6MB). Developers were incredibly creative with squeezing everything they could out of that space, but extensive voices, real music, and video were pretty much out of the question. One factoid that seems to pop up every so often getting retweeted a ton on Twitter revolves around the "Sega" voice at the beginning of Sonic the Hedgehog soaked up one eighth of the cartridge. When Sega started teasing the capabilities of the Sega CD, and showing games that went from one second of voice work to loads of of full motion video. Looking back on it, sure, the games were mostly gimmicky, but playing something like Night Trap was nothing short of magical at the time. Anyway, in Night Trap you play as some sort of special agent guarding a house full of teenage girls which is being sieged by vampiric bad guys called "Augers" that want to capture the girls to harvest their blood. If that doesn't sound like it makes much sense, it didn't, but that was all part of the charm of the game. You cycle through eight cameras, eavesdropping on the occupants of the house and discovering clues which help you activate traps in the ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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