SEGA Forever is Now Teasing ‘Golden Axe 3’ in Addition to ‘Golden Axe 2’ - Videogames Blogs

SEGA Forever is Now Teasing ‘Golden Axe 3’ in Addition to ‘Golden Axe 2’

Ok, well, here’s a thing I didn’t expect. Yesterday we noted that the SEGA Forever Twitter account was teasing Golden Axe 2 by posting a quote and short animation from the game’s intro. Nothing too terribly surprising about that, as the 16-bit sequel to the arcade hit is highly regarded by fans and it makes a ton of sense that it would be released into the SEGA Forever lineup. What IS surprising though is that now the SEGA Forever Twitter account is teasing Golden Axe 3 by again tweeting out a quote and short animation from THAT game’s intro. Take a look.

"You should realize the power hidden within the axe!" #SEGAForever
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) January 15, 2019
This definitely piques my interest because what is the end game here" I’d just assumed that Golden Axe 2 would be the next SEGA Forever release, and it would stand to reason that we’d see Golden Axe 3 at some point as well. But now I don’t know what to believe. Are we going to get a double-dose of releases with both games arriving to accompany the existing SEGA Forever version of the original Golden Axe (Free)" Or is SEGA planning something more along the lines of their recent Shining Force Classics (Free) release, which made available three Shining Force games in one package. Perhaps they’re planning on updating the original Golden Axe with the sequels available as IAP" I just don’t know! Whatever ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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