'Silent Streets: Mockingbird' is Now Available for Preorder with a March 1st Release
Apple's ARKit was among the biggest features to come out of WWDC last summer, but so far games that utilize the technology as anything more than a gimmick seem ... few and far between. Silent Streets: Mockingbird just went up for preorder, and appears to use ARKit in a pretty clever way. There's loads more information on the game's web site, but the basic gist of Silent Streets is a fascinating blend of gamebook-style adventure gameplay with ARKit-enabled investigating. Check out the trailer:
I really like the idea of using ARKit to render elements of a crime scene in your room, then hunting for clues through what you can see on your iPhone. Of course, if you're not into the whole augmented reality thing it's also playable without that but I feel like you might be missing a pretty major part of the experience. If nothing else, I'm just happy that it seems like we've move on from the phase of the App Store where every game had to have ARKit shoehorned into it and moving on to games that seem to use the technology in interesting ways. Hopefully Silent Streets: Mockingbird does well so that trend continues. If any of this sounds interesting, you can preorder the game or just wait for it to be released on March 1st.
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