Square Enix Discounts Every ‘Final Fantasy’ Game on the App Store Including ‘Final Fantasy VII’ and ‘Final Fantasy IX’ - Videogames Blogs

Square Enix Discounts Every ‘Final Fantasy’ Game on the App Store Including ‘Final Fantasy VII’ and ‘Final Fantasy IX’

It is that time of the year again and Square Enix has put every premium (and the free to start with premium unlocks) Final Fantasy game on discount for a limited time. Today’s sale has all the mainline ones on iOS featured and the Dimensions games alongside the superlative Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions ($13.99) and Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions for iPad ($15.99). If you’re not a fan of the old school games and only enjoyed the numbered PlayStation entries and got into the franchise with Final Fantasy VII ($11.99), this sale also has the games you’ve been waiting for.
Before getting into the games themselves and the discounts, I’m conflicted with how Square Enix has handled their flagship franchise on iOS for a few reasons. We still don’t have VIII or X and those two are the only mainline entries missing for the pre PS3 era. Square Enix is also pretty terrible with updates for these relatively expensive ports and a game like Chrono Trigger still hasn’t been patched on iOS or Android while the PC version has received multiple fixes. They have been good with controller support though.
Now onto the games. Final Fantasy IV ($14.99), Final Fantasy V ($14.99), and Final Fantasy VI ($14.99) are easy recommendations for picking up. I’m not fully sold on the 3D remake they gave IV on the DS which eventually got ported to iOS and Android but the game itself is fantastic. Final Fantas...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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