Square Enix Is Finally Bringing ?Life Is Strange? to the App Store on December 14th
Life Is Strange [Free] from Dontnot Entertainment and Square Enix is finally releasing on iOS. It was originally released beginning January 2015 on consoles and PC as an episodic release. At the time I was surprised to see it only launch on those platforms given Telltale?s success on iOS and Android. Life Is Strange has you playing as Max Caulfield in Arcadia Bay. This is a third person adventure game where choices actually matter and Max discovers that she has the ability to rewind time. It is a 5 episode series and the first episode releases on iOS on December 14th. Watch the original trailer below:
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I really loved Life Is Strange when I played it around release. It reminded me of The OC (The TV Show) with time travel. The use of licensed and original music made it even more memorable along with the fantastic voice acting. The iOS version is up for pre-order now and it has iMessage stickers included. An initial purchase gets you Episode 1 with Episodes 2 and 3 being in app purchases. The final two episodes arrive in early 2018. There?s a 10% discount for getting them all together through a season pass from within. Episode 1 is now available when you buy Life Is Strange on the App Store for $3.99. You can pre-order it now which is a new thing on the App Store that has brought multiple big indies and ports to the platform. App Store Link: Life Is Strange, $3.99 (by Square Enix)
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