?Stories of Bethem: Full Moon? Review ? A Link to the Past Guaranteed to Keep You Playing - Videogames Blogs

?Stories of Bethem: Full Moon? Review ? A Link to the Past Guaranteed to Keep You Playing

I was planning on writing this review over a week ago, the problem with that was I just couldn’t stop playing long enough to sit in front of the trusty old laptop and type it up. Luckily today I’m babysitting my nephew, so while he watches his new favourite, The Oddbods, I’ll finally write my review. So without further ado (or procrastinating) let me tell you about Stories of Bethem: Full Moon (Free). This is the second iOS game by Cristobal Mata of GuGames, and we are promised it will be a real “classic style adventure".
You certainly do set out on a classic adventure. You play as Khoma, a young man on a quest to save his father from the Blue Witch of Bethem?s curse. Khoma sets out to meet with the Red Witch, hoping she can help him free his father from her sister’s curse. The Red Witch can help of course, but it won’t be easy. Khoma must collect all of the Oneiric Objects of Bethem, in the process becoming a powerful wizard.
You play the first dungeon, where you will get the initial Oneiric Object, from the secret warehouse for free. Then with a quick in-app purchase you can buy the rest of the game. I really like this model of IAP; what’s not to like about a try before you buy scenario" By the time you finish the first dungeon you will have a fair idea if you want to keep playing. The purchase to continue is really easy; an avatar pops up on the road and tells you to pay to continue, you do your IAP and he thanks you a...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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