'Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition' Gets New Trailer and Will be Playable at PAX South - Videogames Blogs

'Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition' Gets New Trailer and Will be Playable at PAX South

Last month I got overly excited about the announcement of Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition, aka SBJB2TE. It's a blackjack game at heart but with all the trappings of classic Street Fighter II in the arcades. The story revolves around 12 different characters who are all vying to be the best blackjack players in the world by competing in a huge tournament. However, shadiness is afoot as the tournament is being thrown by the head of the Las Vegas mafia and it appears there's ulterior motives for him to invite the world's best blackjack players together in the same place. While the trailer for SBJB2TE last month was simply a teaser, this week developers Headup Games and Stage Clear Studios have released a brand new trailer showing a bit more of the game in action.
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One of my all-time favorite games growing up was Casino Kid on the NES. It had you working through an increasingly difficult roster of "rival gamblers" beating them at blackjack and poker until your final confrontation with the King of the Casino. Card games are a dime a dozen on any platform, but adding in story elements and some form of progression can really elevate the experience. That, coupled with the pitch-perfect homages to Street Fighter II (another all-time favorite) is what has me really excited for Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition. If you'll be at PAX South this weekend SBJB2TE will be on display and our own Carter Dotson should be...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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