SwitchArcade Presents: Ten 2019 Switch Games You Probably Didn’t Play (But Should)
Hello gentle readers, and welcome to yet another special edition of SwitchArcade. Since Mikhail and I already ran through a lot of the usual Best of 2019 content last week, I had to get a bit creative for this final article of the year. Well, not that creative. The truth is that the Nintendo Switch had a lot of cool games released for it this year, and there are plenty of games outside of my top ten that I think are very good. As such, I’ve decided to put together a list of 10 games released in 2019 that many of you probably didn’t play. Got any suggestions of your own" Comment below! The more good games we all get a heads-up on, the better.
Before we get into it, I want to mention that the Switch content I do for TouchArcade is largely funded through the TouchArcade Patreon. If you appreciate these articles and want them to keep coming until the cows come home, please consider subscribing. If you aren’t able to use Patreon or don’t want to for whatever reason, Jared outlined some other ways to support TouchArcade in this post. Thank you for your time and kindness. Now, on to the games! The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors ($19.99)
Like the excellent Wild Guns Reloaded, this is an expanded remake of a classic Super NES game. The subject this time around is The Ninja Warriors, which itself was a re-imagining of an arcade title. The Ninja Warriors (the Super NES version, that is) is one of those games that isn’t known by many, but is a...
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Sleep Tight Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch |