SwitchArcade Review Round-Up: ‘Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons’, ‘Crystal Crisis’, ‘Lapis x Labyrinth’, ‘Super Cane Magic Zero’, and ‘PixARK’
Hello gentle readers, and welcome to a special Review Round-Up edition of SwitchArcade. So what is this" Well, while we enjoy doing Switch coverage and know many of our readers enjoy it, we also don’t want it to overwhelm our bread, butter, and bacon that is mobile gaming coverage. As such, we usually keep the Switch stuff to one post per day. Recently those articles have been getting bigger and bigger, and I’m having trouble finding places to stick Switch game reviews without making the SwitchArcade Round-Up prohibitively lengthy. To solve this problem, we will very occasionally be doing extra articles that focus completely on reviews. Not regularly, mind you. But when things get busy like they have lately, you may see this idea come back around. Without further ado, on to the reviews! Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons ($14.99)
It’s been several years since the initial release of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and I’ll lay it out straight: some of the shine has come off of the experience. The visuals aren’t as gorgeous as they once were. The player-friendly obstacles feel almost quaint given the current trend of hard-knock challenges. The innovative control set-up still feels unusual, but it manages to both lack satisfying depth and still be cumbersome. But the most important thing about Brothers has always been the story. Surely that is still fine" Well, it always had issues in my opinion, but in general, I think it works as well as it e...
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