SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom’ Update Details, Nintendo Interviews ‘Dead Cells’ Developer, ‘The King’s Bird’ Releases, Today’s Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for February 12th, 2019. As is often the case for this time of the week, there isn’t a whole lot going on today. Still, we’ve got some news about updates to some great games, an interview Nintendo posted with the developers of one of last year’s best games, a few new releases, and the usual daily sales. Let’s get to the goodness!
Nintendo Interviews Motion Twin, Developers of ‘Dead Cells’
Every so often, Nintendo’s YouTube channel puts out videos where they talk to developers of Switch games. They’re typically not that long, but they’re sometimes quite interesting. That’s the case with the latest interview, which has as its subject Motion Twin, the developer behind the hit Dead Cells. The first couple of questions are mostly fluff, but some interesting info comes up when they’re asked about their plans for 2019. It seems Dead Cells players have some nice updates to look forward to, with new content, some serious performance improvements, and more. ‘Disgaea 1 Complete’ Updates With Autosave, Event Skip, and More
While fans seem divided as to the merits of Disgaea 1 Complete, it’s at least nice that the many fans of Disgaea 5‘s Switch port got something else in the series to play. One of the problems is that Disgaea 1 Complete is missing a lot of the quality of life features found in later games, however. The lat...
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HITMAN 3 ? Launch Trailer |