SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘No More Heroes’ Review, ‘Tennis World Tour 2’ and Today’s Other New Releases, the Latest Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for November 4th, 2020. In today’s article, we’ve got one more review and one more Mini-View for you to enjoy. No More Heroes and Wallachia: Reign of Dracula step up to the plate and, spoilers, they both do quite well. There’s a little bit of news, a small list of new sales, and a handful of new release summaries to check out as well. Let’s check it all out!
The Mask is Slipping in This Week’s ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’ Event
We all wear masks, metaphorically speaking. But some very special people wear masks, literally speaking. And it is those brave souls that this weekend’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate event is dedicated to. It’s a Spirit Board event where you’ll be battling against spirits who wear masks. Defeating them will earn you more SP than usual. The event kicks off on Friday as usual, and will run for three days. Reviews
No More Heroes ($19.99)
No More Heroes has always been one of those games whose sum is greater than its parts. To look at it from the worst possible angle, it’s a janky try-hard melee action game with tons of tedious filler content and weird gimmicks. There’s nothing in that sentence that I would disagree with. Heck, there’s nothing in there I would have disagreed with when the game first came out twelve years ago. And yet somehow in spite of its flaws, or perhaps because of them, I can’t help b...
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