SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Oninaki’ Demo Available, ‘Daemon X Machina’ Digital Pre-Order Bonus Revealed, ‘Automachef’ and Today’s Other New Releases, the Latest Sales, and More - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Oninaki’ Demo Available, ‘Daemon X Machina’ Digital Pre-Order Bonus Revealed, ‘Automachef’ and Today’s Other New Releases, the Latest Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 23rd, 2019. While we’ve got bigger days ahead of us this week, today has lots of goodies to dig into. A demo for an upcoming game, some free extra stuff for a couple of games, a trio of new releases, a 2K Games sale, and more! It’s like I wrote the title twice there. Well, that’s just how it goes sometimes. No reviews today as the ones I’m working on need a little more time in the oven, but I suppose I don’t need to bury you all in text every single day. Let’s head off to the races!
‘Oninaki’ Demo and Pre-Purchase Now Available

The rest of the summer from this week on is going to be kind of wild for new releases on Switch. Square Enix’s Oninaki is scheduled for release on August 21st, which is somehow less than a month away. It’s the latest work from Tokyo RPG Factory, the developer behind I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear, but instead of following in a similar fashion mechanically to those games, it’s an action-RPG. The game is now available for pre-purchase on the eShop for a discounted price of $44.99 (regular price $49.99), and a demo has been made available so you can give it a swing and see if the game is for you. Your progress in the demo will carry over to the full game, so don’t worry about having to drive the same road twice, so to speak. Grab Some Free ‘Splatoon 2’ In-Game Gear in North America via My N...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Drone Striker - Launch Trailer?PS VR
