SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘R.B.I. Baseball 19’ Coming in March, ‘Blade Strangers’ Throwback Review, ‘FutureGrind’, More New Releases, Today’s Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for January 22nd, 2019. Today we’ve got news of a few upcoming releases, some looks at the handful of games that came out today, a throwback review to one of the Nicalis games that is currently on sale, and a few other goodies. Check it out, enjoy, do that reader thing that we all appreciate so much. Let’s dance!
‘R.B.I. Baseball 19’ Heads to Switch in March
The name RBI Baseball is going to mean different things to different generations. It was a beloved series of baseball games that started back on the Nintendo Entertainment System, the first console baseball game licensed by the MLBPA. The last game in that line came in 1995. Nearly 20 years later, MLB Advanced Media and Behaviour Interactive revived the name with RBI Baseball 14. You see, as curious as it may be, from that year on, no company seemed particularly interested in making a multi-platform licensed baseball game. The MLB took matters into its own hands, and that’s still where we’re at a half-decade down the road. To say it has been a learning experience is probably an understatement; the games rarely crack the 50% threshold in reviews. But they seem to do well enough to keep on going, and so the latest will come to Switch, as the previous did before it. You can pick it up sometime in March either physically or digitally. Explore the 8-Bit Underworld in ‘Necrosphere Deluxe’, Coming January ...
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Samurai Shodown - Sogetsu Kazama | PS4 |