SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘SEGA Genesis Classics’ Impressions, ‘Gunman Clive HD Collection’ Has Been Submitted, ‘Lapis X Labyrinth’ Comes to the West, and ‘Guacamelee! 2’ is Out Today - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘SEGA Genesis Classics’ Impressions, ‘Gunman Clive HD Collection’ Has Been Submitted, ‘Lapis X Labyrinth’ Comes to the West, and ‘Guacamelee! 2’ is Out Today

Hello, gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for December 10th, 2018. The weather is getting colder but Switches everywhere are surely staying warm thanks to all the great releases that have come out recently. But the year isn’t over yet, and there are still plenty of interesting games to come before we pop the champagne open to celebrate 2019. Still, most of the news from now will be for releases next year, and that’s just what we’ve got today. Also, as promised, some impressions of SEGA’s new Genesis Classics collection. Let’s go for it!
Game Impressions
SEGA Genesis Classics ($29.99)

While pretty much everyone on my friend list spent the weekend playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I dedicated my time to messing around with the SEGA Genesis Classics collection to see how it came out. Regular readers know I can be a little strict when it comes to classic re-releases, and I certainly do have some nits to pick with this set. On the whole, however, it’s a really solid value for anyone who just wants to play a bunch of Genesis games and isn’t too fussy about emulation quality. It’s good enough. Not much more than that, mind you. But at less than a buck per game, it’s hard to complain too much. The included 51 games cover most of SEGA’s non-licensed first party releases, with a few notable omissions. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles aren’t here, presumably for the same reason that...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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