SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Super Mario Bros. 35’, ‘Ys Origin’, ‘Hot Shot Burn’, and Today’s Other New Releases and Sales - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Super Mario Bros. 35’, ‘Ys Origin’, ‘Hot Shot Burn’, and Today’s Other New Releases and Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for October 1st, 2020. Today saw an absolute ton of new releases drop on the eShop, and we’ve got summaries of all of them. Heavy hitters like Super Mario Bros. 35 and Ys Origin are joined by a bunch of games of all kinds to put the hurt on your wallet, as you like it! We also cover the incoming and outgoing sales. What you won’t see here is the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character, as I’ll have already gone home by the time the announcement hits. We’ll catch up on that tomorrow, but I’ll throw out a guess and say it’s probably a Pokemon. If you don’t expect much, you can’t be disappointed. Now let’s get on with things!
New Releases Ys Origin ($19.99)

SwitchArcade Highlight!
Aw yes, more Ys. Just hook it up to my veins. You know what the Switch needs more of" Ys games. This is only the second Ys game to hit the platform, and that’s just tragic. Fortunately, this is an awesome one. It’s the only game in the series where Adol isn’t the main character, and serves as a prequel to the original pair of games. Choose from two characters, with a third unlockable one, and head into the Tower of Darm/Dahm for some good old hack and slash action RPGing. This game used the Ys 6 engine as its base, which was also used in Ys: Oath in Felghana. It is fast and fun and you really ought to buy it. Review coming later. It will be a very high score. Y...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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