SwitchArcade Round-Up: The Next ‘Super Smash Bros.’ Event Gets ARMed, ‘Swarmriders’ and Today’s Other New Releases, and the Latest Sales - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: The Next ‘Super Smash Bros.’ Event Gets ARMed, ‘Swarmriders’ and Today’s Other New Releases, and the Latest Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 1st, 2020. It’s Canada Day! I spent half of it in the hospital! As a result, today’s article is a bit lighter than usual. But it’s still here, and isn’t that the point" We’ve got a little slice of news, summaries of the handful of new releases that hit today, and a look at the incoming and outgoing sales and discounts. Let’s have a look!
This Week’s ‘Super Smash Bros.’ Event is Armed and Ready

Min Min has arrived in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so it’s little surprise that this weekend’s event is somewhat themed around her. It’s a tournament that kicks off this Friday and runs through the weekend, featuring characters who primarily battle with their arms or fists. Pick your favorite hand-to-hand fighter and get ready to brawl to see who can come out on top. Oh, and speaking of events, don’t forget the Tetris 99 event that is also scheduled for this weekend. New Releases
My Bewitching Perfume ($19.99)

Yes, it is once again time for smooching hunky guys. This is an otome visual novel with four possible candidates for romancing. You’ve got your passionate serious guy, your pushy tease, your charming bad boy, and your cool gentleman. They all have two things in common: they’re all typically uninterested in romance, and they’re all under the influence of a perfume that makes them act decidedly the oppos...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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