SwitchArcade Roundup: ‘Xenoblade Chronicles 2’ Version 1.5.1, ‘Overcooked 2’, and a Massive List of New Sales - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Roundup: ‘Xenoblade Chronicles 2’ Version 1.5.1, ‘Overcooked 2’, and a Massive List of New Sales

Welcome to another SwitchArcade Roundup! However, it’s more than just “another" SwitchArcade Roundup because it’s Thursday! That means a plentiful amount of new releases and–especially for this week–a massive amount of sales. All of the releases and discounts will be mentioned in some capacity later on, but before you even THINK about scrolling to the bottom of the column for the new sales, let’s talk about some news, new releases, and of course, the Game of the Day!
Game of the Day
Lode Runner Legacy (Current Price until August 8th: $9.59, Normal Price: $14.99)

When I was in the fourth grade, our homeroom had one of those then-new Macintosh computers–the one with the big, colorful bulges in the back. Whenever there was free time allowed to our class, I would rush to the Macintosh and play Lode Runner. While my loser friends stuck with Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" and Frog Fractions, I was on the expressway to Coolsville with Lode Runner–and I didn’t even have a license. Enter Lode Runner Legacy, released on Steam last year, and available on the Nintendo Switch as of this past spring. It traded in Lode Runner‘s old school graphical style of pixels for retro-inspired voxels, added creation and sharing tools, and introduced a new cooperative mode.

For those who haven’t delved into a Lode Runner game before, Lode Runner Legacy follows the formula of the franchise to a “T". You tr...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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