Taylor Swift Trademarking Swifties while Getting Schwifty - The TouchArcade Show #299 - Videogames Blogs

Taylor Swift Trademarking Swifties while Getting Schwifty - The TouchArcade Show #299

With Eli on vacation this week, Jared recruits the most villainous human being on the planet, Carter Dotson, to co-host this week's show. We talk at length about Apple's recent "Celebration of Indies" promotion as well as their new initiative to give indies more visibility by giving them their very own separate storefront in the App Store. Then of course we dive into some of the new games from this week, which was one of the most loaded weeks in recent memory. Seriously, my wallet is crying. Finally, we dip into some of the more interesting news stories of the week, including the all-important registering of a trademark for "Swifties" by Taylor Swift. We bring the hard-hitting news stories, that's for sure.
Don't forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We read 'em all, and love decoding messages written entirely in emoji. As always, you can listen to us with the links below... And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and/or drop us a review in iTunes. Much appreciated!
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Patreon backers get access to a ultra-rad video version of the podcast (you can get a taste of what they're like above), which you can view by clicking here. It includes us playing the games we're talking about as we're talking about them, and other fun surprises. This week, since I'm out of town, our video podcast was recorded way earlier, is diffe...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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