'Teen Titans GO Figure!' Gets New Trailer and Bonuses Announced for Players of the Original 'Teeny Titans'

There are few games I'm more excited for than Teen Titans GO Figure!, the upcoming sequel to one of the very best games of 2016 Teeny Titans [$3.99] from Cartoon Network and Grumpyface Studios. This new game was first announced back in early April with a brief trailer that showed off some of the new features we could look forward to in the sequel, like playing as all five Teen Titans and the ability to repaint the figures we've collected in a number of cool ways. Today the developers have announced some more new features alongside a great new trailer showing more of Teen Titans GO Figure! Basically, the big news is that owners of the original Teeny Titans are in store for some special bonuses. Simply owning the first game will unlock a special Hooded Hood figure in the new game, but if you're among those who actually beat Teeny Titans, then you'll be rewarded with "an extra surprise figure." Oohhhh, mysterious!
In case you didn't play the original Teeny Titans (SHAME), it was along the lines of a Pokemon-style figure-collecting RPG that poked all sorts of fun at the plastic toy battling trend popularized by the likes of Amiibos and the Skylanders series. In the most meta way possible, the Teen Titans and in fact everyone in Jump City gets obsessed with battling figures called Teeny Titans who are based on the Teen Titans themselves and the superheroes and villains of the greater DC world at large. The battling itself was a total joy, and the game was stuffed with...
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