Tencent Teases New 'Arena of Valor' Update Highlights - Videogames Blogs

Tencent Teases New 'Arena of Valor' Update Highlights

We're all about Arena of Valor [Free] these days, and for good reason: The game is amazing. We published a review when the game was new, and I've been slowly working on a newbie guide that's growing whenever I have time to work on it. Anyway, it sounds like we're on the verge of getting our first major Arena of Valor update in North America and they've released a video detailing the major changes.
Check it out:

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What's probably going to cause the biggest fuss is the gold cap changes, but they're also adding iPhone X support, adding some visual flare, and even adding portrait frames for your avatar as another thing to unlock. I actually really like what they're doing with skins moving forward, in that by offering a passive gold bonus by having a skin equipped there's a real reason to own skins for your heroes beyond "It looks cool." Hopefully the update lands soon, as these are some real neat changes.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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