The Best 'Hearthstone' Decks Played at the 'Hearthstone' Championship - Videogames Blogs

The Best 'Hearthstone' Decks Played at the 'Hearthstone' Championship

I just got back into town after attending the Hearthstone [Free] Championship in Amsterdam, and, man, there are few things better than watching that level of play. I read a lot of (very valid) criticism that it can be a little boring watching the same ol' tournament meta, but I really appreciated watching decks like Jade Druid or Highlander Priest being played on a level that is nothing short of masterful. The Taiwanese player Tom60229 took home the championship, so for this week's Hearthstone roundup we're focusing on the four decks he played at the Hearthstone Championship Tour last weekend.
Cube Warlock - Weighing in at a hefty 10,640 dust, Cube Warlock (or Cubelock) is an evolution on the classic control Warlock decks (sometimes called Demonlock). It has seen loads of play, and gets its name from one of the three cards that make up the winning combo: Carnivorous Cube, Skull of the Man'ari and Doomguard. Skull of the Man'ari is a weapon which summons a demon from your hand every turn, and ideally you want to use that to cheat out Doomguard's without triggering Doomguard's battlecry which involves discarding two cards from your hand. The deck also runs Possessed Lackey which recruits a demon from your deck, providing a second alternative to getting Doomguards into play. Once you manage to get a Doomguard out without discarding, you use Carnivorous Cube which destroys the Doomguard, then by using Spiritsinger Umbra and Dark Pact along side Carnivorous Cube to get four Doom...
Source: Touch Arcade

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