The Best JRPGs for iPhone and iPad - A TouchArcade Ranking - Videogames Blogs

The Best JRPGs for iPhone and iPad - A TouchArcade Ranking

Hello, gentle readers. It seems like our previous ranking lists have gone over pretty well, so I'm going to be carrying on with them on a semi-regular basis. The topic this time around is the JRPG genre, an admittedly wide umbrella that I'm restricting simply to make it a useful label. What we are looking at here is a ranking of games that follow closely in the footsteps of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and their ilk. Turn-based battles, melodrama, interesting characters, a plot that has a start and a finish, and things like that. If the combat system involves real-time action, it won't be on here. If it's an endlessly-updated free-to-play game, it also won't be on here. As odd as it may seem, these games do not have to be from Japan. This is not the final word, and your list can be (and probably is) different. One caveat: I'm only including games that include 64-bit support at the time of writing. The deadline for 32-bit apps has long passed, so this list wouldn't be terribly useful if I included those. I've limited myself to 10 games for this list, and only one entry per series. Rather than go through the headache of trying to rank them in a particular order, I'm just going to list them alphabetically.

Adventure to Fate: Quest to the Future

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Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future JRPG, $3.99 The Adventure to Fate trilogy of games is a great condensation of wh...
Source: Touch Arcade

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