'The Opera' Normal and Heroic Guide: Tips and Decklists for Defeating Wing 2 of 'One Night in Karazhan' 'Hearthstone' Adventure - Videogames Blogs

'The Opera' Normal and Heroic Guide: Tips and Decklists for Defeating Wing 2 of 'One Night in Karazhan' 'Hearthstone' Adventure

Welcome to our guide for The Opera, the second Wing of Hearthstone's [Free] latest adventure, One Night in Karazhan. Instead of going with Disney references like Wing 1, Wing 2 goes for a more literary vibe with references to William Shakespeare's, Grimm's, and Frank Baum's works. The three bosses are Julianne, Big Bad Wolf, and the Crone, and there are some fun ideas in this Wing, though nothing like the Chess from last week's Wing. The encounters are pretty easy on Normal - probably easier than last week's - but the Heroic ones are a different matter, especially The Crone one. Overall this is a fun Wing, and while most of the cards we are getting aren't the strongest - outside the Legendary Barnes - any new cards are always welcome.
If you haven't played the rest of the Adventure yet, check out our guides for the Prologue and Wing 1. The Prologue Guide
Wing 1, The Parlor, Normal and Heroic Guide

Julianne Normal and Heroic Boss Guide and Decklist
As you have probably already guessed, the encounter with the first boss, Julianne, has pretty loud echoes of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliette, but here we have Romulo and Julianne. And just as the two Verona lovers are together both in life and death, so they are in this Karazhan encounter. Julianne starts with 15 Health and a 4-mana Hero Power, True Love, that lets her summon Romulo if she doesn't have him already. Romulo is a 4/2 minion that, appropriately, makes Julianne Immune while he is on the board. Julianne's decks has...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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