TouchArcade 2018 Game of the Year: ‘Oddmar’ - Videogames Blogs

TouchArcade 2018 Game of the Year: ‘Oddmar’

Wow. 2018 is almost behind us, and we’ve already listed our our 100 favorite games of the year (which is quite a task, given the amount of great games that had to get cut to get us down to 100), which leaves us two things left to do to fully pack 2018 in and move on to 2019: Reveal our Game of the Year picks, and publish our personal favorites. The personal favorites will go up on Monday (New Year’s Eve), and strap in for our GOTY picks.
Before we get to that though, I’d just like to take a minute to shout out to everyone who supports us on Patreon and have shopped through our Amazon links this year. When Apple killed the App Store affiliate program earlier this year, that left those two things as the only things still keeping us afloat. If you’re not a Patreon person and/or don’t shop through our Amazon links, we’d really appreciate it if you’d check the above links out, particularly if you feel like you’ve gotten any value out of TouchArcade’s continued existence this year!
With that out of the way, this year we did our entire Game of the Year discussion over the course of a podcast episode which you can either listen to by subscribing in iTunes, or watching the video version above. I’ve had some weirdness with my video capture setup which has caused some artifacting, so if you ever see any weird visual bugs in the actual gameplay that’s 100% my capture setup and not the game itself.
TouchArcade 2018...
Source: Touch Arcade

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