Turn-Based Shooter ‘Gun Rounds’ is Now Available on iOS and Android, and You Don’t Want to Miss It

We’ve had our eye on Gun Rounds from developer Blabberf for the past month now, first when we posted the trailer for the game in the first week of July until the game went up for pre-order just last week. And now over the weekend, Gun Rounds has officially launched in the App Store, and since Sundays aren’t your typical launch day for mobile games and perhaps you didn’t pre-order it, consider this your official DO NOT MISS THIS GAME alert. As you may recall from our previous coverage, Gun Rounds is mainly inspired by the legendary Downwell, but in pretty much every way except the main gameplay. Rather than a frantic shooter where you’re constantly falling down a well, Gun Rounds is a turn-based game where you battle it out against enemies in a set number of rounds to progress through the game. You’ll pick a weapon from your arsenal, drag your finger to set up the firing angle, and let ‘er rip. Then the enemies get to take their turn, and here an element of real-time action is introduced as you’ll need to tap the screen just as an enemies attack is entering your personal space, which is represented by a circle surrounding your character. Tap at the right time and you’ll avoid taking damage as well as refill some of your ammo, but time it wrong and the attack will land and knock off some of your HP. Being able to refill your ammo in this manner is a huge benefit too, as each time you reload using the regular old reload button n...
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