Ubisoft’s ‘Hungry Shark’ Follow-Up ‘Hungry Dragon’ Launching Worldwide August 30th, Pre-Registration with Rewards Open Now - Videogames Blogs

Ubisoft’s ‘Hungry Shark’ Follow-Up ‘Hungry Dragon’ Launching Worldwide August 30th, Pre-Registration with Rewards Open Now

The Hungry Shark series is one of the most popular series in the entire world of mobile gaming, and in fact was an almost immediate success when the original launched way back in 2010. We liked that original a lot back then, and numerous huge content updates eventually led to the release of Hungry Shark Evolution (Free) in 2012, a culmination of all the Hungry Shark goodness that developer Future Games of London had produced thus far and a game that continues to see content updates to this day. The following year Ubisoft took note of how popular the Hungry Shark games had become and gobbled up Future Games of London like a shark for an undisclosed amount, and under the Ubisoft umbrella the team produced its most ambitious title yet in May of 2016 – Hungry Shark World (Free). After the screaming success of both Evolution and World, the Hungry Shark formula is getting shaken up in a big way with the release of Hungry Dragon on August 30th.
Yes, Hungry Dragon is exactly what you think it is: Hungry Shark but in the skies with dragons. Developed by Ubisoft Barcelona this time around, Hungry Dragon has you flying and boosting around medieval environments gobbling up numerous types of airborne and land-based creatures. Eat enough of them and you’ll trigger a Fire Rush which lets you breathe fire and torch everything in sight, which is quite satisfying. If you’re familiar with the different size tiers used in Hungry Shark World, it’s basically the sa...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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