Vlambeer’s ‘Super Crate Box’ and Pixeljam’s ‘Glorkian Warrior’ Both Arrive on GameClub Early Access - Videogames Blogs

Vlambeer’s ‘Super Crate Box’ and Pixeljam’s ‘Glorkian Warrior’ Both Arrive on GameClub Early Access

GameClub continues to fire on all cylinders and to cap off the week they’ve released not one but TWO great classic mobile games that were previously lost to time. First up though is a new practice from the company that sees them releasing a bonus game on Fridays. Previously they were releasing a new game every week into their Early Access program, typically on Mondays by way of their email newsletter, but often you could get exclusive EARLY Early Access to certain games the Friday before, by way of their new beta signup landing page or the GameClub Discord server. They have such a huge number of games in the pipeline though that now they’ll be saving the Monday release for higher profile games and releasing some of the smaller games as a bonus on Fridays (last week’s was Baby Lava Bounce). And that Discord exclusive early access will remain for the higher profile games which means that on some Fridays you’ll be able to download TWO games at the same time. That is exactly what is happening this week, as GameClub has released Pixeljam’s awesome spin on Galaga-style vertical shooters Glorkian Warrior as the latest bonus release.
Now, don’t dismiss Glorkian Warrior just because it’s the “bonus" game this week, as this is one of my all-time favorite mobile games. First off I just absolutely love the art from James Kochalka that’s used in the game, but also it’s just a very fun spin on an arcade shooter with ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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