'Xenoraid' Review - The 'Marvel vs. Capcom' of Shmups - Videogames Blogs

'Xenoraid' Review - The 'Marvel vs. Capcom' of Shmups

I like playing games that may exist in a particular genre, but are willing to defy the conventions of that genre to create something different. That's exactly what 10tons has done with Xenoraid [Free], their entry into the shoot 'em up genre. It does things differently from other games, and maybe you won't like it! Western shmups are already so different from Eastern ones, due to cultural differences. Xenoraid manages to even transcend that difference, and feels like its own unique shoot 'em up. But you might just enjoy what this heterodox title has to bring to the table.
The heart of Xenoraid is in its 4-ship system, where you roll into battle with, well, 4 different ships. These ships come in several different types, and you can switch between them at will, though with a bit of a delay as to when you can switch to a new one. It's kind of like Marvel vs. Capcom but as a shoot 'em up. You can even use the ship-swapping as a way to avoid hazards. Not only do you get a temporary invincibility from the process of the swap, but you also can switch from a slow behemoth to a speedy ship that can dodge hazards much better.
This ship-swapping really gives Xenoraid a unique feel. Sometimes in a shoot 'em up with ship customization options I can feel kind of trapped by having just one ship option. Here, while I kind of prefer the behemoths as they can take more damage and deal more out, I like having the option to switch between ships as I feel like it, and it keeps things feeling f...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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