'Zero/Sum' Review ? A Game Way More Hero Than Zero - Videogames Blogs

'Zero/Sum' Review ? A Game Way More Hero Than Zero

Zero/Sum [$1.99], is a nifty little concept wrapped in a big box of awesome. Sean Kearney and his indie studio Squeezebox Software have worked long and hard to present us with the perfect formula for a simple yet addictive game. It has a unique feel best described by a quote from their website, "It's Sudoku meets Die Hard".
Zero/Sum is a very welcome and fresh addition to the puzzle genre of games. While the whole aspect of the game is to cure cancer with math, you do not need to be a great mathematician to enjoy or even complete the storyline or daily challenges. The timed trials can be a little more intense mathematically speaking, but are still not overly difficult, unless like me you start panicking as soon as your brain is under pressure.
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This is a game you can use to impress others with your amazing intellect without needing knowledge of advanced mathematics. It's math, for dumb people, yet still fun enough for a brainiac to want to play. If you love playing Sudoku and completing crosswords this is definitely the game for you. My imagination has Zero/Sum arriving about nine months after Mrs Sudoku accepted Mr Crossword's dinner invitation.
I love a good puzzle game, so I was excited to be given the opportunity to look at Sean Kearney's latest release. I was also quite apprehensive, as you probably are because it is a game of Math. It's much, much more than just maths though, it's a game that is a laidbac...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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