An old spot that still brings in 4,000-8,000g per hour - Videogames Blogs

An old spot that still brings in 4,000-8,000g per hour

Hey guys and gals, today I'm writing about and showing a spot that brings in around 4000-8000g per hour. The reason the gold varies is because the 4000g/hr is based on high pop realm prices (lower for the items we are farming) and the 8000g/hr is based on the average price for US realms (NOT the highest prices - so you could actually get more than 8k/hr).

If you are interested, here is the video guide for the spot. If you prefer text, read below.

Spot: Killing Gulp Frogs on Timeless Isle (+ a unique way to make gold)

Requirements: Potion of Lucks, Revered Reputation with Emperor Shaohao (estimated gold per hour for those without Revered is in video).

Method: Kill Gulp Frogs for treasures from the Potion of Luck. You'll get thousands from vendor trash alone and the rest of the gold comes from a pet that I'll speak about in a moment as well as Pandaria mats. The mats still sell due to professional leveling and various crafted items. I chose to sell all of the greens. I won't waste your time with a gold per hour based on selling xmogs because it is unreliable, hardly ever accurate and a pain in the ass. That said, any incredibly rare or beautiful xmogs should definitely be sold on the AH.
How we make most of our gold: You will also receive around 7000-8000 Timeless Coins every 20 minutes, or around 21,000-24,000 Timeless Coins each hour. With Revered Reputation for Emperor Shaohao, you can purchase the Harmonious Porcupette from Mistweaver Ku for 7500 Timeless Coin...

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