How to farm Pocket Fel Spreader (20-50k/hour) - Videogames Blogs

How to farm Pocket Fel Spreader (20-50k/hour)

Pocket Fel Spreader
Already made quite some money of that toy, so I figured I share the best way to farm those.

As far as I know this Pre Event will be the only option to obtain this toy, so you might want to consider to keep some to sell them in 6+ months. I personally wait till they drop to ~10k before I keep them.

1) Download Premade Group Finder - Chat & Communication - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

2) Open Premade Group Finder and go to Settings

2.1) Turn off Whisper/Sound/Guild/Visual notifications
2.2) Set Refresh rate to something below 6 (mine is set to 2)
2.3) Sign up as DPS, Heal or Tank

3) Go to Lists and add the following key words:
3.1) spielzeug
3.2) schreck
3.3) dread
3.4) taschen
3.5) drae
3.6) drea 3.7) toy
3.8 ) You could also add the french/russian/spanish words for this toy

4) Macros:
4.1) /focus raid1
/tar dread
Sets the raid leader as your focus and you can check his location via mouse over. Also targets the Dread Lord. If you lose your focus target, its either a fake group or the mob is already dead.
4.2) /script LeaveParty()
You leave the party.

5) Now you can enable the Addon and once a group with one of the added keywords is created, you will get an invite.
About 1/3 of the time you'll not get an invite since they are lots of people farming those mobs, especially at normal times. On average a 40man raid group will be filled within 3 seconds.
But Luckily the addon will do most of the work, so you only have to accept if you are invit...

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